Just Amleth

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Earthquake in Singapore?

I was in the 34th storey in my Suntec office today, and I felt the ground beneath me moving. Yes, I was one of those who experienced the minor tremors due to the earthquake that happened in Sumatra, 430km away from Singapore (you can read about it here).

"We have an incident in the building. Please remain calm. We are currently investigating the incident.", blared the PA system.

Huh? What incident? If that was not enough, the message was repeated over and over again over the PA system. Talk about getting people to remain calm.

Eventually, we were all told to evacuate the building. The evacuation point was to be the ground floor of Suntec City (which in my opinion is probably the most dangerous place to be if the building were about to collapse). My manager even asked us to take the day off. Personally, I thought it was not necessary, but anyway .... it was a good excuse to go get a coffee.

Of course, eventually nothing happened. Otherwise, you will not be reading this article.

Really, what's the fuss about the tremors in Singapore? The tremors were so slight that some people in my office were not even aware of it. The Japanese have experienced far greater tremors in their offices as a routine, and life goes on for them. I think we are making a mountain out of a molehill here. The ones who should feel really sad are the victims (the death toll currently stands at 82) of the quake in Padang.