Just Amleth

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Tuition for the needy

It's time for me to do something for God and for society. With that in mind, I volunteered my services to provide tuition for the poor and the needy. To me, an education is a very important ingredient in almost any recipe for success. If I can help these kids improve their academic results, perhaps in future, I could indirectly help the family break out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

I've just been told that I've been assigned to teach English and Mathematics to a boy and a girl from a low-income Malay family, who are in Primary One and Primary Three respectively. Now that I have accepted the assignment, the reality has started to set in. I have never been really good at dealing with kids before (much less primary school kids). Would I be able to do so now?

If only giving tuition were as simple as teaching the kids how to read and write properly! I strongly feel that a good teacher should be able to relate to the kids, to provide good stewardship and guidance in their lives, and of course, to instill the interest in the subjects in them. Alas, I lack tuition experience. Furthermore, for the adult years of my life, I have never really dealt with anyone below the age of 15 before. Will I be able to help these kids at all? This is a big concern to me, as I truly hope that I can help make a difference in these children's lives.

Please pray for God to guide me so that I will be able to help these children.