Just Amleth

Thursday, January 06, 2005


I'm horrified at how unhealthy I have become. For the first time in several months, I went to the weighing machine. It appears that I have gained 6kg in the two months I have joined this company. Just a few weeks ago, I was able to run on the treadmill at a steady pace of 13.6 km/h for about 10 minutes. Today, I could only last 5 minutes. The only explanation for this is that I am tired, or my body is starting to deteriorate. I believe it's the latter, although I sometimes wonder if the poor air quality in Calcutta could have also played a part. This poor state of health really bothers me. I have to start watching what I eat. Gone shall be the days where I would go to various fancy restaurants and fill myself to the brim. I shall try to relive the days I ate simple but healthy food before I joined this company.

It is for this reason that I still prefer the per diem (or allowance) system, for that would help me keep a hold on my spending. Being able to claim for any expense made conditions the mind to make frivolous expenditure.