Just Amleth

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The oats are alive -- Epilogue

I was half expecting to fall sick today after consuming so much "protein", but surprisingly I did not. Coming to think of it, yesterday was the second time I was eating it. I ate the same stuff about two weeks ago, and nothing happened to me. I guess whatever those creatures were, they must have been digested and absorbed into my body. Either that, or I have good resistance against germs and bacteria.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time I'm eating food with extra "ingredients". I had once eaten cashew nuts with maggots in it -- without realizing that there were maggots. I had also eaten bananas that had little white creatures crawling around in it -- without realizing it until I felt a tickle in my mouth.

As nutrition specialists say, we should consume a variety of proteins for good health. At least, I can now claim to meet that criteria :D.

Until the next oatmeal.