Just Amleth

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The mis-spelling of my name

A curse or a blessing, I shall never know. My parents have given me a name that is longer than most others, and very different from the way it is normally spelt too. I love it nevertheless, for the way it is spelt is far more refined (with a touch of class, I must add) than the other mundane spellings (or shall I say, mis-spellings?) which people would normally attribute to my name. This is partly why I will not take up a Christian name (the other part being I'm lazy to think of one).

Furthermore, it is a blessing when it comes to maintaining some amount of anonymity in the blogging world. After all, if everybody mis-spells my name, what are their chances of ever finding my blog? My main gripe about blogging is this -- you never know who is going to be reading your articles. So that really reduces what I can write to about 10% of what I would reallllly love to write about. Having a mis-spelt name means I can have some level of comfort in anonymity -- which opens up the domain to about 15% of what I would reallllly love to write about (sorry, I'm very paranoid). After all, you never know when your words will return to haunt you.

So, if you have mis-spelt my name, please keep it that way. I'm happy to remain in the anonymity of blogging.